The Essential Guide to Using MetaMask

Wes Frank
4 min readApr 29, 2021

MetaMask is a popular Ethereum wallet that allows users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It’s an easy-to-use tool for those who want to explore the world of digital currencies and decentralized applications. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about MetaMask, including how it differs from other wallets and what features it offers.

What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is a desktop-based wallet that allows you to visit the distributed web of tomorrow in your browser today. It also acts as an Ethereum node, meaning it connects directly to the Ethereum blockchain and sends transactions without needing a third party service like Coinbase or MyEtherWallet. MetaMask provides users with complete control over their assets while still being able to use dapps on the internet just like they normally would through Chrome or Firefox.

How to set up MetaMask?

To set up MetaMask, go to the site and click “Get Started”. You will be asked for a password that is unique with at least 12 characters in length. The password should be difficult to guess, but easy for you to remember.

To complete the process of setting up MetaMask, click on “Create” and then confirm that you would like your account created in MetaMask by clicking on “Accept (I understand)”. You will receive an email with a link to verify your new account. Clicking on this link will take you back into MetaMask where you can set up two-factor authentication as well as backup phrases which allow access if something were to happen with your wallet data or device. This is highly recommended due to the private key being stored locally within MetaMask without third party services such as Coinbase or MyEtherWallet.

If desired, create a shortcut icon from the MetaMask Extension to your computer’s desktop. This will allow you quick access to MetaMask any time it is needed in the future without having to open a browser and navigate through multiple tabs just for gas, ether, or ERC20 token transactions. MetaMask also features an Autosave function which saves changes made by users as they are interacting with their sites of interest so that no information can be lost if another tab has been opened.

How to use MetaMask for Ethereum transactions?

One of the most popular wallets on the market, MetaMask is a browser extension that provides Ethereum users with an easy way to access and store their cryptocurrency. It was created by ConsenSys who are also responsible for Etherscan, DApps builder Truffle and other notable blockchain projects. With MetaMask installed as a plugin in Google Chrome or Firefox browsers, it will create your own unique wallet address which can be used for various transactions such as sending funds from one person to another. In order to withdraw any funds stored within MetaMask’s wallet address there must first be some funds present before making withdrawal requests. One of the many benefits of using MetaMask is its ability to interact with decentralized applications (Dapps).

Wait, what is Gas?

It’s a unit of measurement for the amount of computational power needed to complete transactions on Ethereum. There is no set price per gas, it fluctuates in value according to demand and availability. Gas price increases when there are more users or Dapps that use higher volume transaction types such as complex computations or multiple routine contract interactions which means you will need ETH tokens just to pay for the cost of computation. It can be purchased at many cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase, GDAX, Bitfinex, Kraken and Binance so if your MetaMask wallet balance drops below certain levels then you may run out of funds before being able to continue using services like CryptoKitties or EtherDelta. Gas prices also increase during times where largest exchanges are experiencing issues with their website or servers and transactions can be delayed for hours.

What are the risks of using MetaMask?

MetaMask is a wallet and it does not store your MetaMask private key on their servers. Any time you use MetaMask, there are risks that come with using any type of cryptocurrency. There have been cases where an individual has lost all funds in their Ethereum account due to accidentally sending money to the wrong address or because they forgot their password. If this happens to you then make sure you save copies of everything so if anything ever goes wrong, recovery will be possible by just entering the 12-word seed phrase created when first installing MetaMask onto your computer back into MetaMask again as well as saving passwords for other important accounts like email addresses or social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter which can contain sensitive information about the user.

What are the benefits of using MetaMask compared to the other wallets?

MetaMask provides a seamless and easy to use interface in which you can send, receive or store Ethereum. MetaMask is the default wallet for EtherDelta, one of the largest decentralized exchanges that allows users to trade ERC-20 tokens purely peer-to-peer without having to worry about being hacked because it never stores any user funds on its system. The whole idea behind MetaMask is so simple as all you need is your password saved securely in their browser extension; they give individuals full control over their private keys which isn’t possible with other wallets such as Jaxx. This means if they lose access to their account then there are still ways that this could be recovered by inputting your credentials back into MetaMask again from another computer.

To wrap it all up…

MetaMask is a bridge that allows you to visit the distributed web of tomorrow in your browser today. It allows users access Ethereum applications without running a full node, as well as enabling developers to build secure dapps on top of it!. MetaMask requires an installation process but after installing it will periodically sync up with the blockchain so no data will ever get lost.



Wes Frank

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